I Ended My 2024 With...

 ... my tweet being the only tweet that Teme Abdullah reposted on December 31, 2024, and the last tweet that Teme Abdullah reposted in 2024.

Teme Abdullah x happilyfarah
I never thought I would get these notifications in this lifetime.

Thank you, Teme Abdullah 👊


May Allah ease your affairs 🙏

The said tweet. With grammar mistakes, and all 😬 

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  1. Buku bayang sofea je saya belum baca lagi sebab tak beli. Kalau dulu selalu jadi pembaca utk cetakan pertama, now dah kurang xD best tak buku dia?

    1. Akak belum baca Bayang Sofea lagi. Baru plan nak baca next week, insya Allah. Nanti akak update sama ada cerita Bayang Sofea best ke tak (for me).

      However, based on reviews dekat Twitter dengan TikTok, ramai yang kata best and mind-blowing.

  2. Mesti excited gila masa dapat notification tu. Hari-hari tengok balik kan XD

    1. Alkisahnya, I didn't get the notifications at all pun since I turn off my Twitter's notifications. Perasan Teme liked the tweet after few hours, and the next day, my sister whatsapped me cakap Teme reposted the tweet. Begitulah.

  3. lama dah x baca buku genre mcm ni

  4. buku baru bakal muncul sblm KLIBF?


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