An Ocean of Grey by Kamalia Hasni

An Ocean of Grey by Kamalia Hasni
An Ocean of Grey by Kamalia Hasni

An Ocean of Grey

Kamalia Hasni

Meraki Press

Number of Pages:

I have yet to go through a heartbreak and I pray that I will never have to because I seriously don't think I can handle it. I am a fragile person and I have an extremely fragile heart. But oh boy, did my heart bleed reading this book 😭

"It was like being in a foreign country,
And hearing someone converse in your mother
They all finally made sense."

-from breakup songs-

"And in the moment when your eyes meet mine,
maybe we too will revisit our dreams,
And wonder what our life,
You and me
could have been."

-from la la land

"loving you
is a habit
that still needs
conscious effort
to grow out of."

-from habits-

"To be haunted by the memories
of loving and being loved,
by the memories
of a beautiful alternate future,
following me like a lonely shadow
every time I wake up alone,
every time I see two people
seeing home in each other's eyes."

-from envy-

Someday - An Ocean of Grey by Kamalia Hasni

"Because someday, somebody will fall in love with me again, and I will love them because I have so much love in me to offer, and we might fight, we might go through many downs, but someday, somebody will not walk away."

-from someday-

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  1. I pray that you don't have to go through a heartbreak. May one day when you found true love, it's for real and ever after

    1. Amin. Thank you so much kak Sal. Truly appreciate it <3

  2. So touched! May Allah ease your journey to find ur soulmate. In shaa Allah


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