Devangel by Riha J

I'm starting a new segment on this blog; 5 Quotes A Book to force myself to start reading again. I was thinking of writing book reviews initially but then I'm not good at writing reviews, So, 5 Quotes A Book, it is. Hopefully, the segment will be here to stay because it will be nice to see and to know that I actually spend my valuable time doing other things than watching Korean dramas. lol 😛

Devangel by Riha J
Devangel by Riha J


Riha J


Number of Pages:

"Of this man I call Father,
A person who is very much like home.
No matter how far I wander
Home will always be
Where my heart is."

-from Of This Man I Call Father-

"You are no adamantium,
you are soft and delicate
You are broken in ways you could scarcely fathom
But I'll take care of you well."

-from What Everyone Wants To Listen To During Their Darkest Moments-

In a Parallel Universe

"In a parallel universe
Perhaps I will be perfect
Perhaps you will love me back"

-from In a Parallel Universe-

"If stares could perform magic,
I swear yours is the highest level of wizardry.
Because nothing can ever
make my blood rush and
my heart race frantically
except for those melted chocolate eyes, so lovely."

-from Masterpiece-

And who are you to question
When your fate is planned
By the Best of Planners?

-from Promise-

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  1. kita ada beli buku ni. suka baca poem dia kalau ada masa terluang

    1. Samalah kita, but I have another poetry book that I always go back to :)

  2. Nice la. Suka blog kak farah, selalu ada je segment baru. I miss writing about random things/quotes.

    1. Thank you Aisya. Walhal buat segment ni sebab dah tak tahu nak update pasal apa tapi sibuk nak blogging juga. Hahaha. And hopefully I can start picking up the reading habit again :)

  3. It's a poem book? I always envy people who love to read poems as I could never feel the feeling while reading poems so I'm not fond of it. Nice sharing anyway! The book does have beautiful words.

    1. Yes, it's a poetry book. Actually, I don't really read poems. The only poems that I read are the ones that are not too heavy.

  4. Replies
    1. As for me, I like some of the poems, not all as I find some of them a little bit too dark T_T


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