My 2018 Best Nine

I don't have a reflection post about 2018 ready because I have yet to reflect on what happened in my life in 2018. Also, because I have been terribly sick for the past few days all I wanted to do was to sleep more and do nothing.

Anyway, let's look at my 2018 best happy memories as per my Instagram accounts, shall we? *ayat copy paste dari post tahun lepas je :p*

My 2018 Best Nine
My public Instagram: @happilyfarah

As you all know, I use my public Instagram for blogging and/or contest purposes. Looking back at my Instagram posts and blog posts in 2018, I'm pretty sure I updated a ton of posts about South Korea. However, none of them made it to my 2018 best nine! Instead, all nine posts are about Canada! Canada, you're such a beauty and I know I'm going to miss you terribly when the time comes! <3

My private Instagram

Wow, looking back at my private Instagram's 2018 best nine, it really looked like I had a chunk of good times in 2018. In 2018, I welcomed a new member to our family, visited a few new places in Canada, re-visited a few special places in Canada (probably for the last time), and reunited back with my high school girlfriends. I guess I just conveniently forgot about them whenever I felt helpless and useless.

Well, here's hoping that 2019 will be a smooth year for the anxious me! :)

P.S.: I kindly ask you to refrain from typing my full name or my private Instagram username anywhere in this blog due to a few personal reasons. Thank you so much. Your cooperation is highly appreciated! :)

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  1. happy new year adik manis. hope to meet you one day =)

    1. Happy new year, kak Siti. Yes, hopefully, we'll get to meet each other one day <3

  2. ada something untuk Farah here..

    1. Thank you so much! I have revert my reply :D

  3. hope everything gonna be fine.. take care kt 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  4. happy new year kak farah! hehe samalah kita, 2018 dpt new family member(tpi version kecik :p)

  5. Happy new year Farah. Bestnya canada :)

  6. lawanyaaaa gambar-gambar Farah. happy new year Farah! in shaa Allah, hopefully 2019 akan jadi tahun lebih indah untuk kita semua :)


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