Riding the Sightseeing Chairlift at Mount Norquay

Mount Norquay, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Had a chance to go up to Mount Norquay for the first time last June. All this while I only heard about Mount Norquay from my snowboarder or skier colleagues. #masalahorangtakmainwintersports Hence, I was excited to go up there for the first time.

Tip: Mount Norquay provides a free shuttle in the summer. Do fully utilize the service if you're in Banff! :)

Took the third shuttle from the Banff Train Station. I was the only passenger in the shuttle so I managed to have a good chat with the shuttle driver. Wasn't sure how long it was supposed to take us from the Banff Train Station to Mount Norquay but I think it took us more than half an hour to reach the base due to construction? We even managed to share the running joke about Canadian seasons.

Mount Norquay, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Do you know that Canada actually only has 2 seasons instead of 4 seasons? We only have construction season and winter season here. That's it, guys! There is no spring, summer or fall in Canada :p

Upon my arrival at the base, I exchanged my coupon for a free ticket (one of the perks of being a local) at the ticket counter. There was no line, so I assumed summer is a slow season for Mount Norquay? I also didn't have to wait to ride the chairlift. The chairlifts at Mount Norquay are smaller compared to other chairlifts that I rode last summer. Now that I think about it, it was my first 2-seat chairlift. Also, I felt that the chairlifts were quite unstable?

Tip: Mount Norquay usually provides a number of discounted coupons to the hotels. This year, they had 2 For 1 coupon, which means you'll get 2 tickets for the price of 1. Do ask your front desk agents for the coupons if you want to save some money! :)

Mount Norquay, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Didn't remember how long did it take me to be at the top but it wasn't that long. You can read what happened after that at this link. Basically, I was stunned by the view as it was my first time seeing the Town of Banff from that point of view. Also, I felt very pleased as I got to see a bighorn sheep in close range and had a staring contest with it. Yet, I felt quite bummed as I had to cut short my stay as I had a stomachache. 

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  1. kalau mcm tu nk dtg sana masa summer lah... hehehe

    1. Rasanya kalau datang awal-awal summer or awal-awal autumn lagilah tak busy and insya Allah view lagi cantik provided kalau weather okay sebab gunung-ganang tu akan dilitupi salji lagi ^^

  2. Cantik view dari atas tu. Seronok tgk farah ke sana sini. Tak semua ada peluang mcm tu. So happy for you.

    1. Memang cantik kak Ana. It was my first time up there so I was pleasantly surprised.

    2. tlg sediakan homestay utk sy ya hahahahaahaha cam ya ya je nk pegi yek!

    3. I'm only here until next May, insya Allah :)

  3. That is even higher than Czech's highest mountain hehehe :D


    1. Really? Interesting. I think Mount Norquay is not as high as other mountains in the Rockies.

  4. Replies
    1. I think it's so much beautiful in the winter? :)

  5. Ya Allah, cantiknya pemandangan.. indahnya ciptaan Allah..

    1. I was stunned by the view sebab cantik sangat ^^


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