Jom Guna Otak di Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur

Had a chance to visit the Museum Of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur when I was in Malaysia recently, courtesy of Kak Sally of It all started when Kak Sally sent me a DM on Instagram asking if I wanted a pair of tickets to the Museum Of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur. I politely declined her offer because I knew my parents would be reluctant to let me go to Kuala Lumpur. #susahjadiorangkampugni

Museums of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur

Thankfully my younger sister who happens to be the anak emas in our family wanted to go. Anak emas means fewer questions from our parents and yes, yes, boleh je. lol! So, I reached out back to Kak Sally saying that I wanted the tickets. Thankfully, kak Sally was willing to pass the tickets that day. Kalau tak, tak merasalah. Hahaha :D

My Sister & I at Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur

It was our first experience at a museum of illusions so we were obviously giddy and excited, especially my sister. How she couldn't be? Science and logical thinking are her elements. It's way different for me. I'm a kind of lazy person especially bila bab kena berfikir ni. Lagi-lagi kalau benda tu berkaitan dengan sains. I was just excited to spend my time outside. Haha :D

Rotating Tunnel at Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur
Siapa tak pening bila lalu tunnel ni, dia power!

From my observation, the Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur didn't have that many tricks and illusions or activities (tak tahulah nak panggil apa sebenarnya) but they have enough to keep you busy, entertained and invested. I personally loved ones that make great pictures like the chair and the rotating tunnel. #sissukatangkapgambar

Farah H at Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur

But other stuff like pictures and puzzles were interesting too. Banyak-banyak puzzles dekat situ, I only managed to solve one puzzle. Bentuk heart pula tu. Haha. But then, it was considered an easy puzzle. #noitsnoteasy If you're kind of tenacious, you could easily spend hours trying to solve all the puzzles cause they have a lot of puzzles.

Farah H at Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur
Me with the only puzzle that I solved that day.

Conclusively, it was a fun experience. However, I'm not sure if I'm going to visit again. Mainly because I think the price point is quite steep with the number of activities, tricks and illusions that they have. I do, however, think that it's going to be a neat experience especially if you're a first-timer like us.

Museum of Illusions, Kuala Lumpur

A special shout-out to Kak Sally. Thank you, kak Sally for the free tickets, for tagging us along and for being our photographer for that day! Truly appreciate it. :)

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  1. ehh menarik..tak pernah tau pon..oke bole pegi ni

    1. Saya tahu tempat ni pun sebab baca blog kak Sally :)

  2. laaaa, baru tahu ada tempat ni..

    btw, ekin balas singgah sambil follow blog ni :)

  3. tiba2 giggles baca title 'jom guna otak' XD
    baru tau ada kat KL, teringin nak pergi muzium macam nie, mesti best ambik gambar :D

    1. I'm sorry. I'm not the greatest at translating stuff. Hahaha.

      I think this is the first museum of illusions in South East Asia rasanya. Ambil gambar best jugalah. Tapi tak banyak pun. Dia banyak puzzles je.

  4. Wahh bestnya Farah. Nani pun ingat nak pergi nanti sebab ramai yang cakap best. Heheh.

    1. Bolehlah Nani pergi kalau ada dekat KL nanti :)

  5. lepas ni kalau blk malaysia pergi museum selfie pulak...da dekat2 situ jg ;-)

    1. Dekat-dekat sini juga ke? I just read about Museum Selfie the other day, tapi rasa macam tak berbaloi sangat sebab bila baca, dia macam ada 9 backgrounds je and they charge you MYR 45?

  6. worth it tak pergi sini? Macam menarik.

    1. I think it all depends on you. I think the ticket price is quite high but it's going to be a neat experience if it's your first time.

  7. Org Canada pon dah pergi muzium nie, aku nie hah x jejak lagi muzium nie. Nak cuba jugak nanti. Hopefully x pening lalat lah X__X

    1. Sini je kau tak pernah pergi. Tempat lain banyak dah kau jejak. Tak macam aku ni. Banyak gila tempat dekat Malaysia tu yang aku tak pernah pergi lagi.

  8. Replies
    1. If you like using your brain, this might be the place for you :)

  9. Seronok! Confirm handphone penuh dengan gambar je lah :p

    1. Not really. I didn't really take a lot of pictures here :)

  10. my pleasure to have you that day! sakan ambik gambar masing-masing.

    btw, whoever wanted to go but think that the tix might be costly, do contact me as I have few more tix left with me.

  11. aihh x pernah taw ni.. boleh pergi kalau bosan2 :)

    1. Bolehlah pergi kalau ada dekat area Bukit Bintang.


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