Columbia Icefield Parkway Tour by Discover Banff Tours

I went on a tour by Discover Banff Tours called Columbia Icefield Parkway at the end of May earlier this year as part of the FAM tour for front desk agents. This was one of the most-awaited tours for me personally as I want to visit Peyto Lake and Athabasca Glacier once again. Can't help but feel this way because Peyto Lake is stunning so is Athabasca Glacier.

Bow Lake & Bow Glacier

This was an 11-hour return tour, but most hours were spent on the road as all the points of interest are quite spread out particularly the Athabasca Glacier and the Glacier Skywalk as both of them are located in Jasper National Park. It can be physically exhausting if you're not used to long travelling time but like I've always mentioned before, the view along the way is to die for, so apalah sangat dengan penat tu?

Farah at the Bow Lake, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Our first stop should be the Peyto Lake but the road was not open yet, so we skipped the Peyto Lake. I was so sad T___T We then made a few stops along the way to the Athabasca Glacier. I don't really remember all the stops but I do remember we stopped for about 20 minutes at the Bow Lake & Bow Glacier, near the Num-Ti-Jah Lodge. This was a nice surprise because I didn't expect that we'd be stopping for 20 minutes. A previous tour that I joined with my parents only stopped for about 5 minutes for a quick photo sesh. Ugh, my heart still boiling whenever I think about it.

Ice Explorer

The highlights of the tour were the ride to the Athabasca Glacier and the Athabasca Glacier itself. We rode the ever-famous Ice Explorer to reach the Athabasca Glacier for about half an hour and we had about 20 minutes at the Athabasca Glacier itself. I didn't really do anything except snapping a few pictures and taking in the surrounding view. It was a truly humbling experience to stand on the glacier surrounded by gigantic mountains.

Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

After that, we headed out to our final stop; the Glacier Skywalk. Here, we were given a leeway to spend about 30 mins to 1 hour. I only spent about 20 minutes as I've been here before. Additionally, the weather was not on our side because it was very cloudy and raining on and off. So, 20 minutes was enough for me.

Glacier Skywalk, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

I personally loved my time spent on this tour. I just wish the weather was on my side and the road to Peyto Lake was not closed. Other than that, I was a happy camper. Thank you Discover Banff Tour for the opportunity! :)

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  1. seronoknyaa dapat berjalan-jalan.. =D

  2. cloudy but the view is still beautiful :)

  3. haaa seronoknya, saya teringin nk jalan2 kt glacier ni
    btw, hadiah akak haritu dh smpai tau. saya ada buat ig story haritu tpi tktaula kak farah perasan ke tak hihi. thanks btw! loved it :D

    1. Ada rezeki nanti insya Allah turn Mazni pula :)

      Alhamdulillah, sampai dah. Ingat tak sampai. Risau juga. Ada buat ig story ke? Maaflah. Memang tak perasan sebab jarang buka ig happilyfarah tu. Kalau ig private tu selalu la buka :)

  4. Subhanallah. View dia sangat cantik!

  5. cantik sungguh pemandangan.. suhu berapa ni? mesti sejuk sangat kan..

    1. It wasn't that cold. 10 degree je kot kalau tak silap :)

  6. Cantiknyaaaa tempat ni. Ini mahu berkeping keping gambar ambil kalau Nani sampai sana. Hahah!

    1. Kita cuaca sendu macam ni pun gambar dekat 300 keping juga. Kalau cuaca cantik, mahu beribu gamaknya.

  7. pictures remind me of iceland

    1. I haven't been to Iceland but looking at these gloomy pictures, I think I can understand when you said they remind you of Iceland.


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