Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)

I went to Myeongdong (명동) a few times when I was in South Korea. However, my motives for each visit to Myeongdong were different. On this one particular hot day, I went there to go to a cat cafe. Initially, I wanted to go to another cat cafe. I had the name and address ready but I still got lost while looking for the cafe. So, I decided to go to Myeongdong Cat Cafe instead, as its mascot was more than happy to escort me to the cat cafe.

Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong(명동)

Tip: You need to sanitize your hands before entering the cat cafe. Use the hand sanitizer provided by the cafe. 

The one-time entrance fee for Myeongdong Cat Cafe was KRW 7,000 and by paying the entrance fee, you were entitled to a free cup of beverage. I chose orange juice because I did not really like the other options that they had. There is no time limit so one can stay as long as they want provided they do not go out from the premises. As far as I can remember, I stayed for quite a long time. 5 to 6 hours, perhaps? I know, crazy long, right? It was all because most of the cats were sleeping during the first three hours, so I needed to wait for them to wake up.

Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)
This cat sat close to me during the whole time. Now that I think about it, it must be because I sat at his/her favourite spot. 

Oh, you also will be given a big plastic bag so that you can put all your personal belongings like your bag in the plastic bag. I think it is for hygienic purposes and to prevent the cats from scratching your personal belongings. The cat above actually jumped into my plastic bag and sniffed my backpack and handbag. I feel bad for her/him because there was nothing edible in my bags. #sispunkebulur

Tip: I personally do not recommend ordering snacks and desserts as cat hair is everywhere. Unless you are okay with somewhat compromised hygiene, you should be okay with your free beverage. After all, you come to play with the cats, not to eat snacks and desserts, no?

Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)
Some of the cats.

Myeongdong Cat Cafe had cats from various breeds. I can't really pinpoint each breed as I am illiterate in this aspect, but trust me, almost all of them were cute. I said almost because they had sphynx cats which I did not find cute at all. Though I did not find sphynx cats cute at all, I still found them interesting. Each to their own, no?

Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)
Most probably the cutest cat that I saw at Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)

Anyway, as I mentioned before, I spent about 5 or 6 hours here because most of the cats were sleeping during the first three hours. I spent half of the time waiting and playing with my phone while hoping the cats would be up soon. Everything was so calm when most of the cats were sleeping but it became a lil bit chaotic once they all woke up. I actually laughed like crazy when I saw how hectic it was when the cats were up. Thank god, there were not many humans when I was there. Can't imagine how crazy and cramp it will be if there are a lot of humans and cats in one space. 

Myeongdong Cat Cafe, Myeongdong (명동)

All in all, it was such a nice me-time for me. It was a well spent lazy and hot day. I got to spend time by myself and playing with those cute cats (okay, more like staring at those cute cats and being judged by them). 

Tip: Use the lint roller provided by the cafe to get rid of the cat hair before you leave the cafe. You don't want your clothes to be full of cat hair for the rest of the day especially if you are going to eat at a restaurant next.

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  1. Wahhhhhh bestnyaaaaaaaa insyallah one day!

  2. oh my god!!!! i love cats. sedih gile x sempat singgah cat cafe kt myeongdong last time. i should probably went there one more time.

    1. Seoul has quite a number of cat cafes. Maybe you can go to a cat cafe in the other area?

  3. Zizie rasa scary tgk sphynx cat.. sebab dorg xde bulu kot.. hehe.. ala comelnya kucing2 tu..

    1. Kita pun tak suka sangat dengan sphynx cat. Tapi kucing lain yang dekat cat cafe ni memang semua comel-comel :D

  4. comelnyaaaaaa! nak pegi siniii
    boleh eh duduk lama2 dalam tu :o selalu kalau kita pergi cat cafe ni ada limit masa

    1. eh okay tk perasan pulak ada tulis no limit time xD my bad!

    2. Boleh pergi sini kalau pergi Korea nanti, Mazni :)

      Btw, cat cafe mana yang ada time limit? Akak tak familiar sangat dengan rules kat themed cafe ni.

  5. Bulu dia semua lebat 😻 semoga satu hari nanti i dapat la jejak kaki kat sini.

  6. semua comel2! teringin jugak nak pergi cat cafe camni :D

    1. Malaysia pun ada juga but tak sure dekat mana. hehe

  7. comelnya semua kucing tu. datang sini memang tak nak balik lah.

  8. Ya ampun kucing-kucing diaaaaaaa! Geram tengok :D

  9. Comelnya semua kucing!! Tapi kan gambar kucing pertama tu, uishh garangnya muka dia :D

    1. Memang semua pun comel. Naik geram bila tengok. And yes, ada kucing yang sangat-sangat garang muka dia macam yang Siqah cakap tu.

  10. Suka kucng tp x suka nk bela sbb x terjaga nanti

    1. Kita suka kucing dan suka bela juga. Cuma malas bab berak kencing kucing tu je.

  11. Ada banyak ye cat cafe dekat myeondong tu. Kak ana tau ada cat cafe lepas Hanis Zalikha ke sana last year. Peminat kucing kena singgah ke sini. Confirm dorang suka kan. 5-6 jam tu agak lama. Boleh sampai malaysia dah tu. Hehe. Rindu lah dkt korea. Bila lah nak ke sana semula. Byk tak sempat explore dulu.

    1. Saya rasa ada dua ke tiga cat cafes dekat Myeongdong tu. Yang ni macam senang nak pergi sebab maskot dia tolong bawakan. Memang lama sangat saya kat sana sebab semua kucing dia tengah tidur :(

      Saya pun banyak tempat lagi tak explore.


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