Generation of Fragile by Germaine Thai

Generation of Fragile

Germaine Thai

Penwings Publishing

Number of Pages:

My sister picked this book; Generation of Fragile during the Aesop Women's Library event at the Aesop IOI City Mall. Am happy with her choice because I love a poetry book 🩷

"In the end, everything will be okay.
You're on your journey to a day that everything will be okay."

-from The Journey To Okay-

"The stars in my sky were my everything,
But they were your specks of nothing."

-from Faded-

"Perhaps I'm broken - too broken to love normally.
Too broken for you to love eternally."

-from Broken-

Destined - Generation of Fragile by Germaine Thai

"You were never an option.
The only choices I had were the paths that led me to you."

-from Destined-
"You reminded me
that the simple things in life
are sometimes just out of sight."

-from Hidden-

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  1. it reminds us that difficult times are temporary and that brighter days lie ahead with patience and perseverance...


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