Evening at Edith Cavell

This post was first published on September 28, 2015, on one of my older blogs. Decided to repost it here at Her Little Guilty Pleasures due to the reasons that I mentioned in this post.


If you've been following my blog since last year, you should know that my favourite mountain in Jasper is Mount Edith Cavell. Mount Edith Cavell was one of the reasons why I went back to Jasper last summer.

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
I was stunned by this view

All this while, I have been obsessing over Mount Edith Cavell from afar. And, alhamdulillah, I got a chance to go on a hiking trip to the base of Mount Edith Cavell last summer. In case you are wondering, nope, I did not climb to the top of Mount Edith Cavell. Mount Edith Cavell hike is for the professionals. I am far from professional. I only went to the base :)

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Angel Glacier and Cavell Pond (I assume)

The road up the base was crazy because it was zigzagged. A few girls had carsick, so we had to stop a few times. I felt so bad for them but I couldn't do anything for them. Plus, I was busy calming myself down. I was like an excited child while we were on our way to the base. I kept repeating, "Oh my god! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see Edith Cavell from near. My dream will come true! Edith Cavell, wait for me!" A lil bit dramatic, I know. My heart was beating too fast to the point I felt I was going to have a heart attack.

Once we arrived, my reaction was like, "OMG! I can't believe this is happening! Dreams do come true, Farah. Dreams do come true! Subhanallah. Edith Cavell! I can't believe my eyes! Why are you so pretty?!"

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Meadows at Mount Edith Cavell

It was cold, cloudy, and raining a lil bit when we arrived there. I was excited yet I was not really happy at first because I really wanted to see Mount Edith Cavell in good weather. And what made things worse was I went there with an empty stomach. Hence, I was a lil bit grumpy. I woke up so so late as I had a midnight shift the day before and I missed my dinner. My sincere advice to you is never ever go on a hiking trip with an empty stomach!

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
The trail to Angel Glacier

But nothing can ever go wrong in a beautiful place like Jasper. My mood totally changed after a few minutes. The view was still super pretty and spectacular even with the crappy weather. We did the easy trail to the Angel Glacier. We also did another trail which I can't recall the name of. Pardon me as it has been almost 3 months since this trip happened.

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Angel Glacier at Mount Edith Cavell

The trail to Angel Glacier was actually closed by Parks Canada but our guides said, "It's okay! It does not look that dangerous. Let's just go down to the Angel Glacier. It's gonna be such a waste of time if we did not get to be near to the Angel Glacier." So, down to Angel Glacier, we went. You have no idea how afraid I was when I passed over the closed trail. However, the feeling went out of the window as soon as I reached the Angel Glacier.

It was super cool as I could see the glacier closely. I also got a chance to touch those ices. We spent a good half an hour here before heading out to another trail. The trail that we went after was fairly easy. We got to see the meadows and a few animals on our way to the midpoint of the trail.

Marmot at Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

We did not finish the trail as we did not have enough time. We stopped at the midpoint around 7:45ish and we needed at least half an hour to walk back to our van. I was pretty sad because I really wanted to stay longer.

Chipmunk at Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

We left the base at 8:30 PM sharp. I was overwhelmed with different feelings when we left. Part of me was happy because I got to be closer to Mount Edith Cavell. But, there was another part of me that felt so sad as the time that I spent there was fairly short. Why the heck do I have so many emotions? Hahahaha.

Edith Cavell, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

But, I am very sure about one thing. I love Edith Cavell and it has a very special place in my heart. So long, Edith Cavell. May I get a chance to see you again, insya Allah! :)

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  1. Replies
    1. It is. It's one of my favourite places in Jasper National Park :)

  2. gigihnya hiking time perut kosong, tapi nasib baik boleh tahan ><

    1. Gigih sebab suka Mount Edith Cavell sangat-sangat :D

  3. Subhanallah. All the views are amazing!.
    agreed with that. never ever go for hiking trip with an empty stomach. i can do nothing when im hungryyyyy.

    1. Yesss, basically never ever do anything with an empty stomach :)

  4. Still can't differentiate between squirel & chipmunk 😂

    1. I don't think I can differentiate them as well ^^''

  5. It truly is a beautiful spot. I guess camping there is not allowed, right?

    1. Not so sure whether camping is allowed. I guess if you're climbing up the mountain itself, camping is allowed as the return hike may take 1 to 3 days depending on ones' fitness :)

  6. besar kemungkinan boleh terjumpa beruang tak, Farah ?

    1. Wallahualam. It all depends on your luck and season. Waktu pergi takde warning pasal bear.

  7. I've been dying to visit/travel to Canada. I guess this should be on my list of to-visit place in Canada. I love an easy hiking trail and all those wild animal is so cute!

    1. You should if you get a chance one day. This trail was easy :)

  8. subhanallah cantiknya view and ur so lucky to be given the chance to witness and experience the beauty. tengok gambar pun dah teruja apa lagi tengok depan2. sangat cantik dan breathtaking..

    1. Yes, kak Siti. I was (and still am) very lucky to see all the stunning views here in Canada ^^

  9. cantikkk bleh buat poskad ;-)

    1. Kalau satu hari nanti saya rajin, saya memang nak print few gambar buat poskad :)

    2. Nak nak! Kalau Farah jual pun, Siqah sanggup beli tau 😬

    3. Eh, tak perlulah beli-beli. Kalau ada rezeki, kita bagi free je :)

  10. National Park dia mmg nmpk like original without human inteferance..hahaha..semua terjaga!

    1. This one nampak bersih sebab tak ramai orang pergi sini. Kalau tempat yang ramai orang pergi tu akan kotor juga.

  11. cantik edith cavell!! chipmunk comel. kk nina ada jumpa tupai kt tmn Taipei.. they all so cute

    1. Edith Cavell memang cantik sangat! :)

      I think tupai memang comel ^^

    2. sayangnya tak boleh bela :) hehehe

    3. Rasa macam pelik pula kalau orang bela tupai. Heheh ^^

  12. Glacier tu nampak kotor tak dari dekat? Yang dekat NZ jauh cantik tp dekat2 mcm banyak kotor2.. huhu

    1. If you define kotor as ada warna selain dari warna putih, biru, dan hijau, yes, you can consider it as kotor. But I don't think the glacier is dirty :)

  13. Kegigihan hiking tau Farah ni. Bila dah nampak view cantik camni, terus rasa hilang penat lapar semua kan.

    1. Haruslah gigih sebab Edith Cavell ni my favourite mountain dekat Jasper National Park :)


      Yes, memang hilang penat lapar semua bila view dia macam ni :D


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