The Halal Guys, New York City

This post was first published on May 6, 2016, on one of my older blogs. Decided to repost it here at Her Little Guilty Pleasures due to the reasons that I mentioned in this post.


I think I'm going to start updating about my trip to NYC soon but I'm not really sure how soon is soon. hehe! Have to go over thousands of pictures which half of them are most probably my selfies. We'll see.

Update in 2018: Apparently soon is not soon enough as I have yet to update anything about NYC even in 2018.

The Halal Guys, New York City

Anyway, when I was in NYC, I managed to go and eat The Halal Guys twice. I tried the Halal Guys for the first time after I was done with my visit to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and then I ate it again before I went to EXO Planet #2 - The EXO'luXion in New York. Honestly, I was intrigued to try The Halal Guys because of the hype. I kept reading that The Halal Guys is so good, yadda yadda. Even my senior recommended The Halal Guys to me despite knowing that I'm quite fussy when it comes to food.

I tried The Halal Guys cart at 53rd Street and Sixth Avenue after visiting MoMA. And guys, believe me, the food is to die for! Like seriously, the hype is not just hype. It is a real deal! I tried their combo platter because I was rice-deprived at that time. It was so so delicious! The portion was big and the price was cheap! What a combo eh? It only cost me USD 7 for the combo platter. And just so you know, USD 7 for a meal in NYC is such a steal!

The Halal Guys, New York City

I was lucky because the line was short when I bought my combo platter. Right after I got mine, the line became so long. I was amused cause it was cold (hey there, winter!) but people did not mind lining up just to get the taste of The Halal Guys. Well, I was even fascinated by myself cause I sat across the cart and ate my combo platter there. *The cold never bothered me anyway*

Cold weather + Hot and spicy food (put too much hot sauce T_T) = Heaven

I was so smitten by the taste of The Halal Guys that I decided to eat it one more time. I kept saying to myself, "Have to eat The Halal Guys one more time before going back to Canada! Have to!" This time, I went to their restaurant at 720 Amsterdam Avenue because it's only a few blocks away from my hostel. Besides, I was short of time as I needed to go early to Prudential Center to pick up my lightstick.

Update in 2018: The Halal Guys just opened one restaurant in Toronto, Canada last year.

The Halal Guys, New York City

I think their restaurant was very clean, cute, and comfortable? Most probably because I came when they just opened for the day. lol! I ordered the same thing; the combo platter. However, the price was different. It cost me USD 7.99 instead of USD 7. I asked one of the employees about the price difference and according to him, the price is higher at the restaurant due to the taxes. Make sense.

The Halal Guys, New York City

As the environment and ambiance were different, so did the taste. ha! I found the combo platter sold at the cart was tastier than the ones sold at the restaurant. I don't know why, maybe because I was starving when I bought my combo platter at the cart but their tastes were different. Or maybe I was not fully awake when I went to The Halal Guys for the second time. hehe!

General tips to eat The Halal Guys: Put a lot of white sauce, like a loooooooooooooootttt, because the white sauce was so good! Put just a little of hot sauce because the sauce was hot like very HOT! You're going to burn your tongue if you put too much hot sauce. *This comes from a girl who loves spicy and hot food*

The Halal Guys, New York City
Trust me, it was delicious. This picture did not do justice to this goodness called The Halal Guys.

In any case, I highly recommend you all try The Halal Guys if you have a chance. Insya Allah, it will be worth your money and satisfy your taste buds. Hopefully, they will open their restaurants in Malaysia soon! :)

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  1. I bookmarked this page. Would definitely hunt for this stall if I happen to go there. (And if I remember - I'm forgetful lolz)

    1. You can also find it in South Korea or Indonesia :)

  2. tak silap the halal guys ni paling dekat pun ada kat indonesia. lol tu paling dekat ehh. harap nanti boleh buka kat malaysia jugak!

    1. Yesssss, ada baca juga hari tu kata dekat Indonesia ada. Dekat Korea pun dah ada. Malaysia ni bila entah nak ada? Dulu ada baca expansion plan dia, tengok Malaysia ada listed as one of the countries. Tapi sampai la ni, takde berita pun T_T

  3. White sauce tu pedas tak Farah??
    Is it same like sour cream? xD
    This Halal Guys yang selalu keluar tv tu kan ^^
    That last picture looks delicious I feel like I want to break my fast now xD

    1. White sauce tu tak pedas langsung. The hot sauce tu yang pedas. And, I'm not sure dia sama dengan sour cream ke tak. Rasanya macam tak sebab dia tak masam dan rasa dia lain dari sauce yang orang serve dekat kedai-kedai shawarma.

      Not sure if The Halal Guys selalu keluar TV ke tak sebab kita jarang tengok TV especially food-related channel. Hahaha. Tapi, pernah baca yang The Halal Guys ni pernah featured on few TV shows and news.

  4. farah suh laa owner dia bukak branch kt kl pulak 😆😆

    1. Kalaulah owner dia tu kawan saya. Hahaha :D

  5. Am I the only one who thought about how yummy the white sauce?? Am such a weirdo -_-#

    1. I love the white sauce so much so that you couldn't see what's under the sauce. Hehe :D

  6. Farah try tak yg kat Itaewon? akak manjang jalan sana nak pergi tapi x jugak masuk...hahahaha...

    1. Tak cuba pun sebab masa tu The Halal Guys belum buka dekat Itaewon lagi. Kalau dah buka masa tu, memang singgah punya! :)

  7. hehe they serve halal food is the figurative message but kalo literal ahahaha.. diorang yang halal kan =P

    1. Hahahahahahahahah, okay ini kelakar :D

  8. kebab ah? looks like roti pita. haha.. the view just like pasar malam.

    1. Not kebab, and yes, that's roti pita, I think. Ada nasi bawah tu dengan daging dan ayam yang banyak tapi tak nampak sebab kita letak banyak sangat white sauce. Hahahahaha.

      It may look like pasar malam punya makanan tapi rasa dia tak sama macam pasar malam. Sedap gila! :D

    2. upgrade from night market I think :) wow roti pita in NYC woahh hahaha

    3. Wayyyy higher punya upgrade from night market XD


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