Another post that caught my interest while I was trying to catch up with all the blog posts that I missed for the past few weeks is this giveaway; SPRING & DUCK GIVEAWAY BY BLOG NADIAIZZATY.NIA. The terms and conditions are easy-peasy and all the prizes are from South Korea, if you put the dUCk aside! #sisrindukorea

Click the banner to join!
Or, you can click here :)

What I like about her blog?
This going to sound repetitive, but I like the flatlays that she used in almost all her blog posts. I also love the pictures that she used to accompany her blog posts. #sissukagambarcantik

Topic recommendation
As she just got back from South Korea, how about another South Korea travelogue? #pleasespamgambarcherryblossom

Room for improvement
First of all, let me clarify that this is not really a problem but it's a matter of preference. While I love all her flatlays and pictures, I find them a lil too big for my liking? Maybe she can consider resizing her pictures to a size smaller after this? I usually take some time to finish reading one post as I have to keep scrolling down due to the huge picture size.

Add: Okay, I just tried reading her blog using my phone. The picture size is not a problem on the mobile version. In fact, I love how clear and big the pictures are on the mobile version. Maybe I should start reading her blog using my phone and leave a comment using my laptop? :)

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  1. Happy segment sister! ^^ May the luck goes to you! Inshaallah...

  2. gonna join you soon. all da best okay.

  3. agak leceh kalau baca dekat mobile tapi kena drop comments dekat laptop? Anyway, good luck ye :)

    1. Mungkin agak leceh tapi saya tak kisah sangat. Sebab saya selalu je baca blog orang pakai phone. Bila ada masa, baru tinggalkan comment dekat blog diaorang pakai laptop :)

  4. Farahhhh~ thanks for all the comments . Really appreciate it. As for the recommendation part - nadia tak perasan pulak my pictures to big. I’ll take note on that . Sebab nadia suka full frame pictures follow my blog width size. Hihi. Nak kecik kan gmbr mcm ? #sistakpandaiITsangat . Hihi.

    I will share my Korea 2018 trip insyaallah .

    Last but not least, thank you for joined my GA and Good luck !!! <3

    1. Sorry tahu kalau comments mengguris hati :|

      Faham sebab nak tengok gambar puas kan? Itulah, rasanya gambar-gambar memang ikut your blog's width size. Tak tahulah orang lain tengok macam mana, kalau kita tengok pakai laptop kita, dia jadi besar gila! hihi. I'll record some videos and send them to you later, okay?

      Nadiah sekarang pakai platform apa eh? Kalau pakai blogger, dia boleh pilih size gambar nak besar mana. Kalau pakai wordpress, maaflah sebab kita pun tak tahu :|

      By the way, tak sabar nak baca pasal Korea! :D

      Thank you, Nadiah. Hopefully, I'll be lucky :D

    2. totally your comments tak mengguris hati lansung sbb mmg pakai laptop mmg my pictures akan jadi besar sbb mmg nadia pilih size ikut blog width Nadia. and mmg sebenarnya nadia mmg nak tgk gmbr besar puas skit. But, no worries tgk nnt mcm mana nadia try tgk ok tak if small kan pictures. hihi..

      Insyaallah I'll try update slowly about the Korea trip <3. Stay tunes

    3. If I were you, memang puas sangat tengok gambar dekat blog Nadia sebab terang, jelas dan nyata. Desktop version macam besar gila but the mobile version best! Just nice. Sangat cantik.

      Yessssss, will be waiting for your posts on your Korea trip. Thailand trip juga? :)

    4. hihi... Insyaallah Farah . <3

  5. Hadiah very attractive - mcm fashionista box. Good luck to you dear! :D

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. Good luck to you, as well :)

  7. good luck in this segment. followed #121

    | blog aimanabdullah |

  8. Salam singgah dari GA yang sama, semoga berjaya dan semoga ada rezeki untuk kita semua..



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