Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

I won two tickets to Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈) a few days before I flew to South Korea. The tickets were supposed to be delivered to my house but thankfully Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) allowed me to pick up the ticket in person at the K-Style Hub (more details about this place soon, insya Allah).

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

So, off I went to Yeouido ELAND CRUISE ferry dock on one of those days. Honestly, I almost let these tickets burn because I felt I did not have enough time to go on the cruise. Additionally, I kept feeling tired every night that all I wanted was to go home early and sleep. But thank god, I dragged my lazy ass to ride the cruise and see the show because it was fun and entertaining!

Tip: Please call beforehand to reserve your seat or else you will be denied entry. Or, show up early and buy your ticket a few hours (5 hours to be safe?) before the show cause the show is quite popular.

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

The Pang Show started way before you ride the cruise. You'll be directed to one of the rooms at the dock for a "baking class". In my case, I was placed among a big group of tourists from China. However, there were few locals too. I actually sat near a Korean family. They were so cute that my heart almost melted :D

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

During the baking class, the performers will teach you how to bake bread. All the instructions will be illustrated through their performance. It was easy to understand the instructions because you could follow their actions. The instructions and performances were so funny and interactive that the hall was filled with continuous laughter from the start till the end of the show.

For those who are not good at cooking and baking like me, fret not. What you do in the baking class is just knead the dough and put the fillings in the dough. Your bread will turn out fine even if you do not follow the instructions properly.

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

We boarded the cruise after the baking class. The performance continued on the cruise. This time, we all just have to sit and enjoy the show. The performance on the cruise was 100 times funnier and better than the performance in baking class. However, I did notice they made a few dirty jokes here and there. While I did not really mind about the dirty jokes, I was a lil bit concerned because we had few children on board.

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

Right after the show ended, we had ample free time to go around and explore the cruise. Most of us went to the top deck to see the night view. I have to say that I really love the night view. All my pictures did not make justice to the view as I suck at the so-called night photography. lol!

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

It was quite windy and chilly at that time so I had to keep running in and out of the deck because I was not dressed for the weather. I earnestly wished that I dressed for the weather or I had someone that I could snuggle up to at that time. Haha! That was the loser in me talking if you are wondering.

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

If I remember correctly, the cruise lasted about half an hour to 45 minutes minus the performance on the cruise. So, I actually had ample time to indulge myself with the view except that I did not get to do that due to the reasons I mentioned above.

Tip: Dress for the weather. Bring a hoodie or something to warm you up. Unless you have a really thick skin, literally.

Pang Show: Pang Pang Cruise (빵쇼 팡팡크루즈)

After the cruise ended, we went back to the baking class to pick up our bread. All of us got two breads. The bread shapes will be different according to your kneading skill but as I mentioned above, they are still gonna look good. Mine was not bad though they were quite smaller than the rest. Haha! Surprisingly, I liked the taste and texture of the bread. They were a lil bit sweet and soft. Suffice it to say that I was happy with my bread.

To reiterate, it was a fun and entertaining experience for me. However, I don't think I will do it again unless I get free tickets again. Hehe. I wish I could highly recommend this show to everyone but I know it's going to be a hit or miss for some people. So, do your research and think deeply if this is going to be your cup of tea :)

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  1. My sister told me about this before. You are very fortunate to deserve this opportunity. Kalau akak pun akak akan excited :)

    1. Yes, I was very fortunate and lucky indeed. I got to save my money and experience new things :)

  2. Wowww! Such an exciting experience! Luckynya dapat menang tiket ^^

  3. hm lawanyaaaaa would like to go there someday

    1. Hope you'll get to go to South Korea one fine day. Amin ^^

  4. I love the view. I wish I could get the same opportunity.

  5. bestnya dapat naik cruise. cantik view dia :)

    1. View dia cantik sangat sebenarnya tapi tulah takde skill nak tangkap gambar waktu malam.

  6. please show your bread's picture so we can believe it look just fine... hahahaha.. btw, the scenery are beautiful :)

    1. I'l try to search if I have the pictures, okay? Tapi, percayalah bahawa my breads were fine. hahaha :D

  7. best nyerrrr sambil bercruise, tambah ilmu sekali... jarang ada mn2 cruise buat prog mcm sg melaka lg laa tak haha

    1. Tapi baking class tu macam for fun je. Macam tak menambah ilmu je. Hahahaha :D

  8. Macam lagi best dari Hangang River punya cruise.

    1. I think they are pretty similar sebab ni pun dekat Hangang juga. Cuma yang ni ada show je kot.

  9. Wow bestnyaaaa! And the view is so beautiful! ^^

  10. Was the show delivered in English, Farah?

    "I earnestly wished that I had someone that I can snuggle up to at that time." Haha, ameen Farah! InsyAllah one fine day :D

    1. Nope! It was delivered in Korean. But I think you don't need to know Korean to understand the show as it was more to action. Body gag ke orang panggil?

      Hahahahahahha, thank you Nina but I don't think I want to be with anyone for the next few years :D

    2. Hahaha I guess that's right, body gag. I used to watch Gag Concert but I don't think I can survive without the subs. :D

      Hehe takpaaa, one fine day kann.

    3. I think you can survive this one cause they barely talk. Like seriously, they did a lot of actions and sound effects je.

  11. I'm jealous of your adventure of life~ you can experience it while me only can dream it T_T huhuhu ^^ btw good luck for everything <3

    1. Don't be jealous, Hana. Your time may come. I waited for almost 5 years before I got to go to South Korea.

      Thank you, Hana ^^

  12. wahhh a really nice experience!
    seronok baca. BV teringin nak naik cruise macam nie sambil chill2. mesti best :D

    1. Yeah, it was a nice experience. Sarawak pun ada juga cruise kan? Minus the performance like this?

  13. Alhamdulillah menang tiket percuma. Sangat menarik aktiviti dlm cruise tu ye. Siap dpt belajar baking lagi. Kat KL ni mana ada cruise mcm tu. Kat putrajaya ada tp cruise utk dinner je.

    1. Tapi belajar baking simple je. Just for fun. Dekat sini pun ada cruise yang untuk dinner je. Harga dia lain la dari yang ni.

  14. ehheee seronokla dia.. rezeki jangan ditolak diknon =)

    1. Betul. Memang takdelah nak tolak rezeki ^^


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