My 2017 Best Nine

I had another long reflection post ready to be published but I decided to delete it as I realized that I have yet to make peace with everything that scarred me emotionally and mentally in 2017. In short, 2017 was a hard, dark and painful year for me. I'm still trying to find the silver lining for everything that happened in 2017 but suffice to say that 2017 has yet to be a year that I can remember fondly for the rest of my life. 


Having said that, I did have a few good memories in 2017 though most of them were minuscule in comparison to the pain that I felt. But, let's just look back at my 2017 best happy memories as per my Instagram accounts, shall we?

2017 Best Nine

My public Instagram: @happilyfarah

2017 Best Nine
My private Instagram.

I have to say that my private Instagram's 2017 Best Nine best portrayed the good things that happened in my life in 2017 in comparison to my public Instagram. I can faintly remember my feelings and positive emotions behind those 9 pictures and for that, I'm eternally thankful.

Here's hoping that 2018 will be more gentle to the fragile me.

P.S.: I kindly ask you to refrain from typing my full name or my private Instagram username anywhere in this blog due to a few personal reasons. Thank you so much. Your cooperation is highly appreciated! :)

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  1. I just wanted to say that you've a very beautiful name.. :D

    1. Awww, thank you so much. My heart fluttered when I read your comment! :)

  2. all of the pictures are so beautiful!

  3. Another best nine entry! Hohoho am I the only one who given up on instagram? Huuhuhu

    1. Well, I guess you are not the only one. I only use Instagram because I love seeing all the beautiful pictures! ^^

  4. Semua cantik cantk je. Nak buat bestnine jugak, last last sampai lupa. Hahaa

  5. Cantik semua gambar2 farah. Suka kak. Ana tgk.

  6. 2017 was a rough year for me too. But can't beat 2016 and 2014 where I lost both my loved ones, hence 2017 was nothing to me hahaha but still rough. Here's hoping that 2018 will be a good year for everyone.

    P/s: I love all your photos from your private instagram.

    1. Sorry to hear that! Hope 2018 will treat you and everyone better :)

  7. view di canada sgt ohsem..ohhh tidak...bila leh travel ke sana

  8. As usual, loving all your pics! :)

  9. kedekut betul laa ig ni kan.... ada ke patut gambar2 cantik n best kasi 9 je hahahahah

    1. Cukuplah 9 kot. Lebih-lebih buat apa. Hahahaha :D

  10. Somehow within my own best nine, there are few pictures triggered the worst phase in my 2017. Beautiful pictures shared on my instagram sometimes were simply posted to cover sadness within that time. Sebab banyak gambar kita yg bukannya posted instantly (I mean few days / weeks after the event itself) Hohooo.

    Creepy me.

    Anyway, insyAllah 2018 will be better and we will grow stronger to face the uncertainties it will take us to :)

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that, Nina. This is one of the reasons why I always remind myself not to judge anyone based on whatever they put on social media. There's more than meets the eyes.

      As for me, I pledged to myself that my private Instagram should be my happy space so that I can look back at my life with smile.

      However, it is different with my public Instagram. I mostly used it for blogging purpose but most of the pictures there actually remind me of my loneliness and struggle :|

      Insya Allah, ameen, ameen, ameen. Hoping 2018 will be better for all of us ^^

  11. gambar diaaa semua comel2 cantik2 =)


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