My Bundle of Joy

My cute kittens - Dusty, Joey, Michie & Haru
My (current) bundle of joy 😍
March 31, 2020
7:07 PM

One of the things that kept me occupied during this MCO was watching these babies of mine. They are also one of the reasons that made my unpaid leave feel not as bad as I get to see them growing up. My hearteau~ 

Dusty, Haru, Joey & Michie, please grow up to be a manja and dengar cakap cat, okay? 💓

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  1. awwwww they're so freaking' adorable. what a coincidence.
    earlier today my sister text me saying that we got new kittens. my cat have finally become a mom.
    oh wait, what does that makes me then?

    1. For me, I'm always Angah to my cats. It does not matter which generation they are, they are always adik to me :D

    2. hahahaha imma grandma now XD.
      But yeah, that's true as well. No matter how many generations of cats we have, when we're at the vet they'll call us as parents. That sure sounds cools sometimes. Im a mother of cats haha. Well we all are when we have cats XD.

    3. Hahahahaha, that's kinda true though. But I usually let my dad and my mum to be the parents to our kittens and cats. I'm just a kakak :)

    4. We're the opposite then. XD
      But can you relate this. Even though we were the ones who have been taking care of them but they will always choose to be super clingy to our parents. haha
      That's not new but I am just amazed each and every time it happens.

    5. Yesssss, that's so true! In my case, I'm the ones who always spoiled them but they never want to be the manja cats with me. I'm so sad T__T

  2. Oh my...these cuties! Geramnya!

    1. Saya pun geram juga dengan kucing-kucing saya ni.

  3. What adorable balls of floof and cuteness!! I wouldn't be able to take my eyes away from them if I were you too. hehe Happy Fasting!

    1. I keep checking on them every 2 minutes. So obsessed! lol!

      Happy fasting to you as well ^^

  4. hiii comelnyaaaa! rumah kita pun adaanak kucing, selalu bagi makan n dia dah gemokk hahaha

    1. Mesti comel. My kittens tak gemuk sangat pun. Maybe sebab tak bagi makan banyak sangat kot. Hahahaha,

  5. Replies
    1. Tak fluffy sangat pun. Hope bila dah besar akan gemuk la :D

  6. Ahhh comelnya!
    I missed my 15 grandchildren already bila tengok gambar dekat post ni.. rindunya.
    They are just too cute. Kena amik gambar time tido sebab bila dah jaga semua bersepah-sepah susah nak snap all of them in one frame hahaha

    1. That's a lot of grandchildren! :O

      Betul, setuju sangat! Kena tangkap gambar time tidur sebab masa tu je boleh tangkap the furballs in one frame. Otherwise, memang bersepah! Jenuh nak mengejar.


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